Coal for general industrial boiler: in addition to thermal power plant and large boiler heating, general enterprise and the heating industrial boiler is of various types, quantity and scattered, coal consumption accounts for about 30% of the power coal. Coal for living: number of coal used for living is large, accounts for about 20% of the fuel coal. Metallurgical coal is mainly for blast furnace sintering and anthracite, accounts for less than 1% of the power coal consumption. Coking coal reserves only accounts for 27.65% of China's total coal reserves, coal resources in China are abundant, but coking coal resources is less oppositely. The coking coal is mainly used for producing coke, 1.3 tons of coking coal can produce one ton of coke, coke is smelted by mixed coal or coking coal in high temperature. Coke is used for steel making, is the main raw materials of steel industry, and is known as the "basic food" of the steel industry.
We should utilize coal economically, we can make charcoal by charcoal briquetting press, cpal briquetting press is machine that crushes the raw material such as bamboo sawdust, peanut shells into granular within 10 mm, after drying and molding by the dryer then carbonizes in the carbonizing furnace. The production of charcoal machine has many advantages, it is dense, small volume, and combustible, not only can be used as BBQ charcoal, also can substitute wood and coal. For heating in northern area in winter or use as an ordinary life fuel, products of coal briquette press is proper.
The charcoal briquetting press has four roller and double-pressing. In order to make the briquettes of high density, this charcoal briquetting press can apply high pressure density. The four rollers have pressure twice to the charcoal briquettes to make them much stronger and denser. This briquetting press have Chinese national patent. It can use black metal powder, coal ash and other powder materials as raw mterials. At the same time mini briquetting press is used for processing coal dust. As its low cost, exquisite appearance and high efficiency, it is very popular in the world market. With wood briquetting machine, we can save energy and protect environment.